Trustees Of Community Heartbeat



Ron Simpson – Chairman  - Ron Simpson has over 50 years public, private and social enterprise management and leadership experience as a community leader, senior manager and volunteer. A Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Ron is a qualified teacher and trainer with a Master’s Degree in the field of Equality in Education. Ron also chairs the countryside charity CPRE Rutland. Prior to his appointment as a Trustee of the Community Heartbeat Trust Ron worked with the CHT Secretary, community partnership Uppingham First and Rotary International to develop a comprehensive network of CHT defibrillators and associated training events in the market town of Uppingham in Rutland.



Martin Fagan – National Secretary. - Martin graduated in Biochemistry & Toxicology, with a final year specialisation of Forensic Science, and after a short period in clinical research in Cardiology, Rheumatology and Neurology, worked for many years in Healthcare and Medical Informatics, in the UK, Asia and in the US, including for the UK Department of Health/MHRA as Head of Business Development. Also, for the NHS Confederation before being a founding Trustee of CHT.

He is also an Emergency Medical Technician, First Aid/bleed control instructor and a member of the RCUK, and also runs a healthcare consulting business when not with CHT. Martin has also founded and run Event Medical teams and also was a CFR for East Midlands Ambulance, and still responds privately to emergency call outs locally.

Martin has authored articles on Defibrillation and Bleed control, chaired international conferences on topics including Pharmacovigilance, and appeared on TV and Radio on several occasions.






Graham Whitehead - Graham Whitehead has worked for many years as a Senior Commercial Manager and Trainer before moving over to the public sector, working on NHS contracts, dealing with staff and patients as an Ambulance Station Manager, and also having hands on experience as an HR specialist. He is also an Emergency Medical Technician, CFR and First Aid instructor.




Dr Alexander Nicholls, MBChB, MRCGP, BSc, DMCC - Major Dr. Alex Nicholls is a General Practitioner and healthcare innovator with a passion for reimagining service delivery. He believes healthcare innovation needs to be more disruptive, more creative and more ambitious. He promotes radical healthcare innovation working with varied organizations to exploit emerging technology. He has ten years’ experience delivering front-line medical care spanning pre-hospital, primary and secondary care in diverse locations across the globe. He has presented internationally on health technology innovation and has worked on a diverse portfolio of projects.

Throughout the COVID19 pandemic Alex was seconded to UK Strategic Command as Medical Innovation Fellow, his talent and vision was recognized after delivering a telemedicine-hub proof of concept and he was recognized as a subject matter expert by UK Defence for his work on biosensor exploitation and technology assisted human performance optimization. He has also been at the forefront of using Drone technology to deliver defibrillators to rural locations.

Alongside balancing his innovation work with remaining clinically current, Alex is keen a passionate promoter of the value of neurodiversity, he was not diagnosed as dyslexic until university and recognizes the advantages and difficulties that come with thinking differently. He lives in Catterick near Scotch Corner, is married with one child.





Jonathan Smith, SR Para - Jonathan is a state registered paramedic, both here in the UK and in the USA. He currently runs his own training organisation focusing on advanced life support, FREQ 3&4; PHTLS; 12 lead ECG, Arrhythmia interpretation and also has been a trainer working with CHT for several years. He is a member of the American Heart Association, and an international instructor in ALS for AHA.

Jonathan trained in Biochemistry and pre-Med in Spokane University in the US and then post-graduate degree in Paramedic Science also in Spokane. Jonathan worked with ambulance services and fire services throughout the US, including as a helicopter paramedic in Georgia and in Arizona. From active service he worked developing the EMT-Paramedic course and became a lead instructor for National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians in the US. Passionate about critical blood loss after his experiences as a clinician in the Oklahoma bombings, Jonathan has been a close liaison with the US ‘Stop the Bleed’ campaign, and is also an AHA certified instructor in both cardiology and trauma. He is a consultant paramedic with East of England Ambulance service and external advisor to the London Ambulance Service.

Jonathan joins CHT as a person committed to OHSCA and community defibrillation, and also his passion for catastrophic blood control, believing that all communities should receive training in this area, along with the supporting resources to save lives.



David Arnold - David formed the Association of First Aiders in 2003 and chaired it until 2018. During this period, David expanded membership and ran UKs largest first aid conferences providing first aiders and first aid trainers with the latest information in pre-hospital practices and procedures.

In pursuit of standards in qualifications, David started AoFAQ which became recognised and regulated by the Government dept. Ofqual, CEA and the Welsh Assembly in England, Northern Ireland and Wales.  David was Managing Director and held the position of Responsible Officer (Ofqual). AoFAQ became one of UK’s largest providers in first aid and EMT qualifications.  

David left the Association of First Aiders and sold AoFAQ in 2018. David is currently retired and enjoying life mainly in countries with warm climates.




Please make sure you have read and understood this disclaimer - It will be assumed that you have read prior to CHT receiving any request. CHT are not responsible for your fund raising, nor your cPAD operations, but may assist in both. CHTs only aim is to support the installation of a cPAD scheme in the most cost effective way possible adhering to Best Practice, and help save lives in your community. This website, and any downloaded information, is for information only on how to go about obtaining and installing a cPAD, and other relevant information. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised. All support for the cPAD will be undertaken by the village committee responsible and via standard manufacturers warranties. Any training organisation will only be responsible for the initial awareness training and not for the functioning or maintenance of the AED. Please do not send any monies to CHT until you have registered your scheme with us, and have agreement from the local ambulance service for the establishment of a cPAD scheme. All schemes must be registered with the local ambulance service (CHT will also undertake this or you can do via this site, but this does not remove responsibility for you to notify the local ambulance service of your AED location). 999/112 (ambulance) must always be called prior to using a cPAD equipment. VAT may be applicable if your organisation is not an eligible body as defined by HMRC. All current or historical claims for VAT will be met by the local community. All schemes will be asked to sign an agreement taking responsibility for their own fund raising and donations to CHT, and then the operation and maintenance of the cPAD equipment. All CHT provided schemes will need to manage their maintenance through the WebNoS online system as a condition of CHT support. It is your responsibility to maintain the equipment in working order and to make sure the local ambulance service is aware of this. WebNoS makes this possible and also acts as an audit trail for management of the equipment. Sites provided by CHT and not using WebNoS may be disengaged from the ambulance service CAD systems. Any web site showing defibrillator locations is for information only, and should not be used in preference to dialling 999. CHT works in close cooperation with the UK ambulance services. Always dial 999 in an emergency

Registered Charity Number - 1132824